4 Foods That Are Poisonous To Your Dog

It can be tempting to share some of your food with your canine buddy, but a number of foods are actually poisonous to your dog. Yes, it's hard to ignore their adorable begging routine, but it's best for their health if you feed them only food that's been specially formulated for dogs. Here's an overview of four poisonous foods and what they can do to your dog:

Allium Vegetables

Your dog only needs to eat a small quantity of food from the allium vegetable family to experience a chemical reaction that affects their gastrointestinal tract and red blood cells.  Allium vegetables include leeks, onions, garlic, and chives.  Allium poisoning can lead to your dog developing anaemia as it causes their red blood cells to break down. Signs of poisoning to look out for include diarrhea, vomiting, fainting, lethargy, and pale gums.


Veterinarians aren't sure why currants are so poisonous to dogs, but eating just a few can leave them with kidney failure. If your dog has ingested currants, they will experience vomiting, increased urination, lethargy, and bad breath. In order for your dog to survive, they will need medication to support their kidney function, so take them to your vet right away.

Bread Dough

If you're a fan of baking your own bread, take care to keep the rising dough out of the reach of your dog. Unbaked bread dough can cause intestinal obstruction when swallowed, and the fermenting yeast creates a type of alcohol that's poisonous to dogs. When this by-product from fermentation enters your dog's bloodstream, they can experience bloating and seizures. Symptoms to look out for include rapid heart rate, shivering due to low body temperature, disorientation, and vomiting.


Methylxanthines are naturally occurring chemicals that are found in all types of chocolate, with dark chocolate containing higher levels than milk chocolate. These chemicals can cause pancreatitis in dogs and can even lead to death if enough is ingested. Common signs of chocolate poisoning include seizures, hyperactivity, increased body temperature, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat.

These are just a few examples of foods that are poisonous to dogs, but there are many more. Take some time to assess where you keep food items in your home, and discuss the risks of feeding your dog any food that's meant for human consumption with other members of your household. If you suspect your dog has eaten any type of food aside from their own, contact a vet like those at Fernlands Veterinary Practice immediately. 
