Two reasons why it’s critical to get emergency help for your dog if they have a seizure

If your dog ever appears to have a seizure, wherein they twitch or shake profusely and seem to have no control over their body, you must not brush off this incident, even if it only lasted for a few seconds. Instead, you should call a veterinarian that handles vet emergency cases and get them to give your pet a thorough physical examination. Continue reading to get a better idea of why it's so vital to do this.

Having repeated seizures could leave your dog with numerous health issues

If your dog has become susceptible to seizures (because, for example, they have developed epilepsy) and you do not immediately have them undergo an emergency check-up at the vet and get them medicated (to control their seizures), your dog may continue to have these 'fits'. If they have several more seizures before you decide to get them any form of treatment from your vet, these incidents could leave them with several health problems. For example, if your dog bites down on their own tongue during a seizure, they could end up with a serious infection in their tongue tissue that may be painful and might result in them having to be dosed with antibiotics.

Likewise, if they have a particularly violent seizure whilst walking on a pavement, they could knock their head so hard against the ground that they end up with a skull fracture. Additionally, the seizure itself could damage their brain and leave them with a brain injury that permanently affects their health. The exact nature of this injury could vary, depending on the length of the seizures they experienced and the parts of this organ that were affected, but the effects might include issues with their sight or difficulty walking. In short, you must not downplay any seizure your dog has, as this incident could have lifelong consequences for them if they are not seen by a vet soon after their first seizure.

The seizure might be a symptom of a life-threatening illness

Another reason why you must take this incident seriously and get your dog help from a veterinarian immediately after it happens is that the seizure might be a symptom of a life-threatening illness.

For example, it could mean that your dog has a brain tumour. If this is the case and you wait a few weeks before you mention this incident to your vet, the tumour might grow to such an extent that it becomes inoperable or, if it is malignant, the cancerous cells might have already spread to your pet's other body parts, in which case the disease might not be treatable. As such, a seizure must always be viewed as an emergency that requires veterinary intervention.
