Understanding Constipation in Dogs

If your dog's bowel movements have become infrequent and their faeces appear dry or hard, they likely have constipation. It may not sound serious, but constipation can cause several troublesome complications such as dehydration, malnourishment and bowel obstruction as a result of faecal impaction, which can occur when your dog's rectum and large bowel gets clogged up over time. Here's what you need to know about constipation in dogs: Causes Read More 

How to Approach a Stray Cat for Its Safety

If you see a cat which might be a stray, you'll need to get close enough to either make friends with it so you can contact a rescue agency or check its identification collar. However, cats will run away if they become anxious, or could even become violent if they feel provoked. Here's how to approach a strange cat without either problem occurring. Don't Startle It Even the most affectionate cats will tend to bolt if they're alarmed, especially if they're caught outside of the home environment. Read More 

Understanding Epilepsy in Dogs

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder linked to abnormal brain activity that can cause convulsions and alter consciousness. The onset of epilepsy can be idiopathic, meaning it's not known what has caused it, or it can be hereditary. Labradors, golden retrievers, beagles, Shetland sheepdogs, and springer spaniels are particularly prone to developing epilepsy. Seizures in dogs usually last no longer than a couple of minutes. However, if left untreated, epilepsy can worsen and seizures can occur more and more frequently. Read More